Decisions #4

Making good decisions


Intro: What is your favorite after dinner desert ?


  1. Deut 30:19, Ps 32:8 In the last lesson we discussed how to avoid making bad decisions, in this lesson we want to talk about making good decisions.
    1. Hosea 10:12-13 We live in a world that is a result of the decisions we make, good decisions bring good results and bad decisions bring bad results.
      1. Prov 19:3 Everyone wants to have great results in their lives, but few people are willing to make the changes needed to see good results.
      2. Prov 9:10 The key in making good decisions starts with us letting go of our old ways and submitting completely to God, letting him lead our lives.
    2. Psalms 112:1-3, Mt 6:33 The Bible says that those who seek God first, hear his voice, and follow his ways will be blessed in every way.
  2. Gal 5:17-21 The ability to make good decisions starts with denying our fleshly desires so we can hear and obey Gods voice.
    1. Prov 11:14 Good decisions aren’t made quickly or hastily, we need to be willing to take time to pray, study Gods word, and listen to Godly council before making decisions.
      1. 1 Cor 15:33 We must be willing to completely change our old ways, our surroundings, friends, and all negative influences in our lives.
      2. Gal 6:9 Changing our ways may feel strange at first, but as we persevere and stand strong we will see God blessing all areas of our lives.
    2. Prov 3:5, 16:20 As we submit ourselves to God, he will direct us in everyarea of our lives, and we will give us the ability to make good decisions.


  1. Why do you feel so few people are willing to make the changes needed to see good results in their lives?
  2. What are some of the dangers in making quick decisions based on our emotions and our fleshly desires?
  3. Who has a testimony of a time when you made a good decision and persevered in doing right? In what ways did God bless you ?
  4. What are some areas in your life that you feel God is leading you to make better decisions in right now?

End: Pray for any who need to make good decisions in their lives, then          take requests