“Empowered” Lesson #3

  “ Empowered to overcome all fears and excuses“

Intro:  What is something that you were afraid of when you were a kid that you are no longer afraid of?


  1. Isaiah 48:16, Acts 1:8 God has called us to live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit so that we can reach the lost, be victorious, and able to accomplish His purposes here in this world.
    1. Mathew 19:26 The Holy Spirit will empower us to accomplish that which seems impossible for us to do in our own strength.
      1. Gal 5:7-8 Many youth and young adults are held back by fears and excuses that keethem from being victorious and from accomplishing Gods will for their lives.
      2. 1 Peter 5:8-9 The devil will use fear to limit you, intimidate you, and hold you back from the destiny that God has for you.
    2. 1 Tim 4:12  Many youth and young adults are also held back by various excuses that they give as to why they are not active serving God.
  2. 2 Tim 1:7, Isaiah 41:10+13 God does not want us to live controlled by fear! If we choose to follow God with all of our hearts, and obey His voice, he will empower us to overcome fear!
    1. 1 Cor 15:57 The Holy Spirit will also empower us to overcome every excuse that prevents us from fulfilling Gods plans for our lives.
      1.  Jer 7:23 In order for us to overcome all of our fears and excuses we need to walk in obedience to God, pray, read the Bible, fast and worship God with all of our hearts!
      2. Numbers 13:30  We also need to step out and directly confront our fears and excuses by doing the exact things that fear and excuses tell us we cant do.
    2. Zech 4:6 The Holy Spirit will empower us to overcome every fear and        excuse that is in our way so that we can fulfill Gods purpose for our lives and reach the world!#Empowered!



  1. What are some of the most common fears and excuses that hold youth and young adults back from fulfilling Gods purposes and plans for their lives?
  2. Can you share a testimony of a fear that used to have control in your life that God has empowered you to overcome?
  3. What are some excuses that you have personally given in the past to avoid evangelizing the lost or fulfilling Gods purpose for your lives?
  4. Is there currently some specific fears or excuses that are holding you back from fulfilling Gods plan for your life? Are you now ready to surrender these fears and excuses to God?

End: Pray for those who want to be empowered to overcome fear and temptations, pray for those who want to rededicate their lives to Christ, then take requests.