Wrong Influences

Intro: What was the craziest thing you were ever influenced to do?


  1. 2 Cor 6:14, Phil 3:2 The Bible tells us to be careful about our friendships, and to use wisdom on who we hang around, there are some people that God doesn’t want to be your friend.
    1. Rev 3:16, Jer 2:19 One of the greatest ways to backslide is to hang around the wrong people, to have close friends who are either lukewarm Christians, or not Christians at all.
      1. 1 peter 2:9 Although we are to reach out and befriend the unsaved, they are not to be our closest friends, and we should never casually hang out with large numbers of unsaved
      2. 2 Kings 11:1-4 Even Solomon who was the wisest person who ever lived was influenced to do wrong when he was outnumbered by those who weren’t serving God.
    2. Prov 13:20, Hosea 4:6 We need to use wisdom on who we build relationships with, loosing our Christianity, and going to hell isn’t worth a few so called “friends”.
  2. John 10:10 Many Christian youth and young adults hang out with the wrong people because they are afraid of having no friends, or of having no fun.
    1. Gal 2:20, 2 Thess 2:15 Also many Christians hang out with the wrong people because they are easily influenced, and care to much about they’re reputation to take a stand.
      1. Mt 10:37-39, Prov 26:11 Others have a hard time letting go of their old friendships once they are saved, and their old friends actually can end up pulling them away from God.
      2. Prov 4:23 Many Christians also end up not waiting on God, and dating people who are apathetic Christians, or not Christians at all and have major problems from it.
    2. Eph 5:8-11, Mt 5:11 We are to be a generation who will reach out to the lost, who will love others, but who will stand for Righteousness, and have strong Christian friends.


  1. Can you give an example of a time when you were influenced to do wrong by someone else? Why did you give in to the pressure to do wrong?
  2. Why is it important that we have many strong Christian friends, rather than all of our friends being those who aren’t Christians?
  3. Why do you think so many Christians hang around the wrong people? What are some of the many negative effects of hanging with the wrong friends?
  4. Why do so many Christians compromise in dating relationships and date people who are not Christians, or are apathetic Christians? What are the dangers of such relationships?

End: Pray for any who have some wrong relationships, or who have been influenced to do wrong by the wrong friends, then take requests.