“ Empowered to reach the lost! “ lesson #1

“The Holy Spirit will empower us to reach the lost! “

Intro:  If you could go to any place in the world to evangelize, where would you go and why?


  1. Isaiah 48:16, Acts 1:8 God has called us to live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit so that we can reach the lost, be victorious, and able to accomplish His purposes here in this world!
    1. Mark 16:15, Mathew 28:18-20 Everyone of us as Christians are called to evangelize! Our purpose is to reach the lost who are all around us with the Gospel!
      1. Luke 24:49 God has called everyone of us to reach the lost, but he doesn’t want us to do it alone! The Holy Spirit wants to empower us to win people to Christ!
      2. 1 Cor 4:20 After Jesus gave us the Great Commission, he then sent the Holy Spirit to empower us to fulfill the great commission!
    2. Psalms 71:16 The Holy Spirit will give us everything that we need so that we will be successful in evangelism and so that we personally see people come to know Jesus!
  2. Acts 1:8, 2 Cor 5:20 The main purpose of the Holy Spirit is to anoint us to evangelize. The Holy Spirit will empower us to reach the lost!
    1. Mark 13:11 Many Christian youth and young adults know that they need to share their faith, but they feel that they do not know what to say, or how to evangelize.
      1. Isaiah 50:4 The Holy Spirit will anoint us and give us the right words to speak when we go out to evangelize and win people to Jesus!
      2. Acts 6:10 The Holy Spirit will also anoint us and fill us with a boldness so that we can go into unsafe places, and directly talk to gang members, terrorists, witch doctors, and all other lost people about the Gospel, and pray them through the sinners prayer.
    2. Rom 10:13-15, Jude 1:23 Our main purpose here in this world is to win people to Christ! All of us have different gifts and abilities, but God wants us to anoint us to use the talents we have to win as many people to Jesus as possible! The Holy Spirit will empower us to reach the lost!  #Empowered!


  1. Do you personally find it easy or difficult to evangelize and share your faith with others? If evangelism is difficult for you, why is it hard for you to evangelize?
  2. Who can share a testimony of a time when you felt the Holy Spirit empower you to evangelize? What happened?
  3. How many people here tonight have personally led someone through the sinners prayer? Please share your testimonies.
  4. Who is God leading you to evangelize to right now?  How are you going to share the Gospel with them and offer to lead them through the sinners prayer?

End: Pray for those who want to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to reach the lost. Pray for those who want to accept Jesus or rededicate their lives to Christ, then take requests.