Perseverance!! (Dont Quit)

Intro: What is the longest trip you have ever taken?


  1. Heb 12:1-3, Gal 6:9 God has called us to persevere, when we become Christians, Gods plan is for us to follow him, to trust him, to fulfill our call, and to never quit!
    1. John 16:33 Jesus didn’t say “There may be trouble” but that “There will be trouble” and that we should find our peace in Christ alone, rather than our circumstances.
      1. 1 Pet 4:12 Many people become Christians with a thought that everything will be easy, that there will be no problems or challenges.
      2. Mt 13:20-21 When some Christians face trials, problems, or difficulties, because they’re roots were never deep, they fall away, backslide, and quit.
    2. Luke 9:23-24 Jesus the perfect sinless son of God, himself had to persevere, and face the Cross, if we are to follow him, we must persevere as well.
  2. James 1:2-4,Rom 5:3-5 The bible tells us that perseverance is the tool God will use to mature us, grow us, and shape us in to who he has called us to become.
    1. Heb 10:36 Those who quit never get to see what God had for them, the victory they were so close to, or the call God was preparing them to fulfill.
      1. Heb 11:24-27 The bible is full of stories of those who persevered through trials, but who were used in amazing ways to lead their generation to God.
      2. 2 Sam 12:13 When we make mistakes, we need to repent, and get back up and continue to persevere in our walk with God.
    2. James 5:11, 1 Cor 15:58 It doesn’t matter what you are facing, or going through God has called you to persevere, so that you can see what God will bring about, and be used fully as a leader in this generation.


  1. Why do you think that so many Christians want everything to be easy and comfortable, and lack perseverance when they face any difficulty?
  2. Share an example of a time when you felt like quitting? What made you feel that way?
  3. Can you share stories of Christians you know of worldwide who have faced major persecution, but have persevered?
  4. Can you think of an example of someone who has persevered, and seen Gods awesome plan become reality in their lives?

End: Pray for any who are currently struggling with having perseverance then take requests.