“Victorious!” Lesson #1

  “ God wants us to be victorious! “

Intro:  When was a time you were victorious in some type of competition, sport, or activity you participated in?


  1. 1 Cor 15:57, Psalms 108:13  God desires for everyone of us to be victorious in our personal lives and in the purpose that he has for us here in this world.
    1. Matt 6:33  God will provide everything that we need to overcome any challenge we may face, and to fulfill his will here in this world, God always wants us to be victorious!
      1. 1 Peter 5:8-9  We must remember however, that the devil hates us and hates our purpose and he will try and keep us from being victorious.
      2. Gal 5:7-8  The devil will throw everything he can at us to try and cause us to fail, to keep us from finishing what God has told us to do, and from reaching our victory.
    2. Matt 19:26  There are many people who feel they are stuck in a cycle of failure. Many who feel they cannot break free from sin, fear, or from a wrong relationship and feel that they are unable to reach the victory that God wants for them.
  2. Galations 5:1, 2 Cor 5:17 We must understand that the Bible promises victory to everyone who truly surrenders their lives to Jesus Christ and to his will.
    1. Numbers 23:19  So if the word of God has promised us victory and because we know God doesn’t lie, then we need to learn how to push past everything that is in our way and take hold of the victory that God has for us.
      1. Psalms 144:1  We need to be willing to fight for our personal victory through making good decisions, through prayer, fasting, and through reading the word of God.
      2. Ephesians 6:9  We also need to be willing to fight for victory in our purpose by doing what God tells us to do, serving God, working hard in the ministry, and by persevering.
    2. Matt 11:12 In this new series we will be discussing the ways God has given us to be victorious in our personal lives, victorious in the purpose God has given us and how be victorious over everything the devil will try and use to stop us! #Victorious!


  1. What are some of the many things that the devil will use to try and keep youth and young adults from being victorious in their lives?
  2. Can you share a testimony of a time when God helped you become victorious over a personal struggle in your life?
  3. Is there an area currently in your life where you feel you keep falling and cannot seem to be victorious?  If so what is it?
  4. What are some personal steps we can take in our lives that will help us to have victory over everything the devil will throw at us? Are you personally ready to take those steps?


End: Pray for those who want to become victorious in their personal lives, also pray for those those who need to accept Jesus or rededicate their lives, then take requests.